365barcelona. Una recomendación gastronómica para cada día del año / One food & drink recommendation for each day


365barcelona is the guide that collects a gastronomic recommendation for each day of the year. The book is based on the recommendations that 365barcelona.com published daily throughout 2012.

Its contents, both photos and texts, are the work of true connoisseurs of the city, from totally amateur authors, to professionals from the world of cooking such as critics or chefs, and even some television star.

Published jointly between The Glutton Club and Leqtor Universal publishing house. The cover is the work of cartoonist Pernan Goñi.

We did

Design and layout of the book, design and development of the website


168 x 110 mm, 416 pages
Edited in English and Spanish
ISBN: 978-84-938081-4-3
L.D.: B. 12.788-2013
1st edition: May 2013
Edited by Leqtor Universal
Cover illustration: Pernan Goñi


Published between 2012 and 2015

Cover illustration: Pernan Goñi
365barcelona contraportada
365barcelona interior


365barcelona.com is part of 365cities.org, a project that includes web guides to cities such as San Sebastián, Bilbao, Pamplona, Granada, Madrid and Santiago de Compostela.

Starting on January 1, 2012 and throughout the year, day by day, the contents of each of these gastronomic recommendation guides were completed. Brief contributions from very diverse profiles, all of them familiar with the corresponding cities.



365barcelona - 16
Content originally published on January 7: in its printed version, in the book 365barcelona, and as it was published on the 365barcelona.com website.
